Please keep in mind I'm new to programming.
Consider these programs betas. And, of course, the usual disclaimer applies:
I'm not responsible for any damage to your computer or files that may be
caused by use of my software, yada yada...
I will say, though, that
I am using these programs; and simple though
they may be, they are often useful. Most programs have too many '
anyway. Just be sure to read the readme.txt, and don't expect perfection.
Also note, I've tested these on Windows 98 ONLY. I have no idea whether they'll even work on other OS's. I rather doubt they'll work on XP, because they use a lot of DOS system calls. Maybe not Windows 95 either, unless you've upgraded to DOS 7. If you try my apps with another OS, please let me know what happens.
IShow is a simple launcher for IrfanView slideshows. It adds an icon to your 'SendTo' menu that enables you to immediately start a sildeshow of all the gif and jpg images in a folder.
 Download iShow (150 k)
lMame: lMame
is a simple MAME frontend
I've come up with. It's a console app, and it lacks many of the features
of more complex MAME launchers., so it's best suited to the casual MAMEr,
in particular ones who only have a few dozen roms. On the upside, it
does work, which is more than I can say for a lot of the MAME frontends I've
tried; and it starts up in just a few seconds.
 Download lMame beta03 (95 k)
Oniko: Oniko
is a suite of simple console file-leeching tools, including a URL list
generator and a wGet frontend. Newbies need not apply -- this is a long way
from 'point and click'.
 Download Oniko (600 k)